Theshit >
We pretty much had 5 official matches as it is right now. Winning DTS in F4F, loosing Tribal.INT in both F4F and EDC and winning AEON + DMZ in EDC.
The fanboydiscussion is rough, especially on me. No Drayich = Autowin. We'll see how long time it takes for some of the fans to change their mind. Hopefully its the once who think im the weakest link, or even so weak that we loose games.
However this is nothing new, its been like that since forever. When winning its easier, when loosing its complete stomp.
Its abit like Loda said over in china tbh, when winning he had thousands of people saying hes brilliant, then when the loosing starts, or some games are lost. Then the same people who loved him before could say hes bad. This is how it always have been.
However you cant dig your own grave over what fans say. Then you couldnt be playing this game at all.
AEON came out strong in the first game. I dont remember the score, but the drop from 13abyknight was in our favour. It always sucks with drops, it really does. But i guess saving more often then every 3 minutes or so would kill the game even more. So after the drop we changed the gameplay. Played better. With AEON having Enigma as one of their heroes we started to set up teamfights to make them draw or as even as possible. Then we had that long time during Enigmas cooldown on bh to setup fights that we could win. Playing like that, using the ward more from pugna setting up a game that we actually won in the end.
Second game was really nice. Here we have some keyplayers to salute. Babyknight making AEONs attempt for firstblood look kinda funny. He managed to get exp from one of the heroes dying when they dived him, and also even if he was firstblood the other hero died aswell. Good start. Fire and him swapping lanes and the treant is so hard to kill.
Was downhill from there for the AEON team, Treant farming really good. Xoy making awsome jumps with the furion, dominating every gank from level3 until game was over. Fire pretty much had hood radience in 22-25mins on treant, and as we all know this hero isnt the easiest to kill. Meanwhile POTM having items too. And in the end synderen managed to finish up hes battlefury. The farm on admiral wasnt important anymore even when the game was won.
I expected us to have a fair chance beating AEON but this game was actually better then "beating" it was 1 step more.
There are more games from us until sunday.
We play XX5, time pending.
We play MYM, time pending.
We play SGC Sunday 20.00.
We pretty much had 5 official matches as it is right now. Winning DTS in F4F, loosing Tribal.INT in both F4F and EDC and winning AEON + DMZ in EDC.
The fanboydiscussion is rough, especially on me. No Drayich = Autowin. We'll see how long time it takes for some of the fans to change their mind. Hopefully its the once who think im the weakest link, or even so weak that we loose games.
However this is nothing new, its been like that since forever. When winning its easier, when loosing its complete stomp.
Its abit like Loda said over in china tbh, when winning he had thousands of people saying hes brilliant, then when the loosing starts, or some games are lost. Then the same people who loved him before could say hes bad. This is how it always have been.
However you cant dig your own grave over what fans say. Then you couldnt be playing this game at all.
AEON came out strong in the first game. I dont remember the score, but the drop from 13abyknight was in our favour. It always sucks with drops, it really does. But i guess saving more often then every 3 minutes or so would kill the game even more. So after the drop we changed the gameplay. Played better. With AEON having Enigma as one of their heroes we started to set up teamfights to make them draw or as even as possible. Then we had that long time during Enigmas cooldown on bh to setup fights that we could win. Playing like that, using the ward more from pugna setting up a game that we actually won in the end.
Second game was really nice. Here we have some keyplayers to salute. Babyknight making AEONs attempt for firstblood look kinda funny. He managed to get exp from one of the heroes dying when they dived him, and also even if he was firstblood the other hero died aswell. Good start. Fire and him swapping lanes and the treant is so hard to kill.
Was downhill from there for the AEON team, Treant farming really good. Xoy making awsome jumps with the furion, dominating every gank from level3 until game was over. Fire pretty much had hood radience in 22-25mins on treant, and as we all know this hero isnt the easiest to kill. Meanwhile POTM having items too. And in the end synderen managed to finish up hes battlefury. The farm on admiral wasnt important anymore even when the game was won.
I expected us to have a fair chance beating AEON but this game was actually better then "beating" it was 1 step more.
There are more games from us until sunday.
We play XX5, time pending.
We play MYM, time pending.
We play SGC Sunday 20.00.
A thoughtful insight and ideas I will use on my website. You've obviously spent a lot of time on this. Well done!